Islamic Finance Law
Maalouf Ashford & Talbot, LLP, is one of the world’s leading Islamic Finance Law Firms, and has represented clients globally on transactions that involve a wide variety of structuring techniques (and often combinations of these), including the following: Ijara, Murabaha (including Tawaruq), Mudaraba, Salam, Musharaka, Istisna’a, Wakala, Wa’ad, Sukuk and Takaful.
Representative Recently Completed Sharia Compliant Transactions:
Islamic Banking
Represent two large EU member banks as mandated lead arrangers on two murabaha facilities for US$450 million.
Represent MENA region banks in connection with the US$2.8 billion project financing for the construction of a large-scale energy generation facility.
Represent the mandated lead arrangers on the US$670 million murabaha facility.
Represent consortium of banks in connection with the restructuring of bank debts of approximately US$2.1 billion (consisting mainly of shariah-compliant ijara and murabaha facilities) by a multinational corporation.
Represent the sponsors on a £360 million Islamic financing for the acquisition of real estate assets in the U.K.
Represent international bank as arranger of a US$250 million Islamic facility.
Represent the Mandated Lead Arrangers on a $US1.2 billion shariah-compliant facility.
Represent the Mandated Lead on the AED1.65 billion shariah-compliant mudaraba facility.
Represent EU member bank in connection with a US$120 million shariah-compliant convertible murabaha facility made available to MENA region bank.
Represent large international energy company in connection with multiple sukuk issues.
Represent MENA region company in connection with US$800 million sukuk offered to US and other international investors in accordance with Rule 144A under the US Securities Act of 1933.
Represent MENA region-company on the issue of SAR55.5 billion investment sukuk in a MENA region country.
Maalouf Ashford & Talbot, LLP, is one of the world’s leading Islamic Finance Law Firms, and has represented clients globally on transactions that involve a wide variety of structuring techniques (and often combinations of these), including the following: Ijara, Murabaha (including Tawaruq), Mudaraba, Salam, Musharaka, Istisna’a, Wakala, Wa’ad, Sukuk and Takaful.
Representative Recently Completed Sharia Compliant Transactions:
Islamic Banking
Represent two large EU member banks as mandated lead arrangers on two murabaha facilities for US$450 million.
Represent MENA region banks in connection with the US$2.8 billion project financing for the construction of a large-scale energy generation facility.
Represent the mandated lead arrangers on the US$670 million murabaha facility.
Represent consortium of banks in connection with the restructuring of bank debts of approximately US$2.1 billion (consisting mainly of shariah-compliant ijara and murabaha facilities) by a multinational corporation.
Represent the sponsors on a £360 million Islamic financing for the acquisition of real estate assets in the U.K.
Represent international bank as arranger of a US$250 million Islamic facility.
Represent the Mandated Lead Arrangers on a $US1.2 billion shariah-compliant facility.
Represent the Mandated Lead on the AED1.65 billion shariah-compliant mudaraba facility.
Represent EU member bank in connection with a US$120 million shariah-compliant convertible murabaha facility made available to MENA region bank.
Represent large international energy company in connection with multiple sukuk issues.
Represent MENA region company in connection with US$800 million sukuk offered to US and other international investors in accordance with Rule 144A under the US Securities Act of 1933.
Represent MENA region-company on the issue of SAR55.5 billion investment sukuk in a MENA region country.